"Pontos de Fuga"

Atégina Quartet

String Quartet (instruments of the time)

MATEUS · 22 OUTUBRO · 17:00

Admission is free, but places are limited so it is recommended to confirm by email to: arquivo2@casademateus.pt


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750) - Excertos da Arte da Fuga, BWV 1080

Contrapunctus 1 – 7, 9 – 12, 10a, 19 Choral

Texts by Pedro Braga Falcão


Atégina Quartet 

Raquel Cravino (violine)

Álvaro Pinto (violine)

Pedro Braga Falcão (guitar)

Luís André Ferreira (cello)

Great admirer of Palestrina, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) stood out as the ultimate representative of instrumental escape. In the program "Pontos de Fuga", the Atégina Quartet will present Bach's masterpiece dedicated to the complex science of escape as a genre, of pedagogical nature, not by chance named by the composer as "The Art of escape".