Geert Demuinjk

Geert Demuinjk

Geert Demuijnck joined EDHEC Business School in 2008. He is President of Faculty and teaches courses in business ethics, economic ethics and philosophy. His research and publications focus on business ethics, economic ethics and political philosophy. He studied philosophy, economics, and politics and holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Leuven.

Geert Demuijnck is a member of the ExCom of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN). He is an associated member the Hoover Chair in social and economic ethics (Louvain-la-Neuve). As Vice-president, he is responsable for the Pôle Recherche du Cercle d’Ethique des Affaires (Paris). 

He makes part of the editorial board member of Business & professional ethics journal (Chicago), Ethical Perspectives (Leuven), Ethique Economique – Ethics and Economics (Versailles).

Conference organizer of the 2008 EBEN Research Conference (Lille, France) of the 2013 EBEN Annual Conference (Lille, France). He was awarded with the prize Jef Van Gerwen SJ Chair in Business Ethics at the University of Antwerp (2014). 

Since 1996, member of the ethics committee of the Group Auchan. In 2001 he became a member of the ethics committee of Caisse solidaire (Roubaix). Since 2000, member of the jury of the annual prize for CSR, awarded by Alliances. Since 2007, he became the responsible for the expert commission of the Lille World Forum for a sustainable economy. Since 2010, as a member of the external advisory board of KBC Bank, working in consulting for Auchan, Trois Suisses and Orange.


Short Bio (in English)


Link to CV