Daniel Lanero
Daniel Lanero Táboas (1977) was born in Vigo (Galicia), he is currently working as a researcher for the government of Spain assigned to the Department of Contemporary and American History at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). His principal lines of investigation include Agricultural History, Compared History of Fascism and Social History of the rural world, paying particular attention to Franco’s dictatorship (1936-1975) and the process of Transition towards democracy in Spain (1976-1982). Amongst other centres, he has carried out investigative periods at the Institute of Social Science (ICS) at the University of Lisbon (Portugal); the Department of Historical Disciplines at the University of Bologna (Italy); and the London School of Economics and Political Science and the King’s College London (United Kingdom). In addition, he has authored and edited various publications both within Spain and internationally.